Children’s Studies

In line with the STEM system, Cyprus Science and Child University will conduct a workshop-sized program. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematic) education; It is an educational approach that includes teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in an integrated way, covering the whole process from pre-school to higher education.

Our Mission.

To increase the interest and curiosity of children in science and to raise awareness, while ensuring that children get to know the university and meet the fun dimensions of science and art, it strengthens the university’s ties with the society.

Teaching Techniques.

STEM education; It is an educational approach that includes teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in an integrated way, covering the whole process from pre-school to higher education.


Child Research and Education Center (ÇAEM) carries out the following activities in line with its objectives.

  • To support the work of the center by cooperating with national and international relevant institutions and organizations.
  • To organize national and international conferences, congresses, panels, workshops.
  • To carry out publications and publication effects related to all the studies carried out within the center.
  • To carry out projects through different working units to be established within the center.
  • To plan trainings aimed at participation certificates and certificates in line with the subjects of interest of the center.
  • To carry out joint studies on the areas of interest of the center with the contribution of the academic units of the university.
  • To create coordinated studies with other centers within the university.
  • To provide consultancy to public and private sector institutions and organizations in line with the purposes of the center, upon request.


The Placement Exam is intended to measure four basic language skills. 
The level is determined according to the score obtained as a result of the exam and the certificate suitable for the level is prepared by KIÜ TÖMER and delivered to the person.

IT Method in Education

Information Technologies (IT) is used extensively in the learning process. 
In this way, it is aimed to present the information to the student in visual, auditory and written forms and to accelerate the learning process.

Group Discussions

KIÜ TÖMER organizes speaking and writing clubs in addition to classes to improve students’ speaking skills, and organizes activities for them to speak Turkish correctly and effectively.